• The Greatest Puzzle of All


    Earlier this month, student representatives from the universities of Alabama, Indiana and Texas A&M faced off against each other as part of Wheel of Fortune’s College Week.

    One freshman had dominated the board, amassing money and prizes on the way, including the $1,000,000 prize.

    The category was “character.” Vanna had turned over every letter to reveal “Mythological Hero Achilles.”  It only remained for the student to read it out.

    Taking a breath, the student said, “Mythological Hero Aich-chill-es.” It sounded like “h-chill-s,” with the accent on the “h.”  Rather than applause, a stunned silence fell over the set. Until Pat Sajak said, “I’m sorry. That is incorrect.” He explained that a contestant has to not only solve the puzzle, he also has to say it to get the prize.

    That is an apt picture of what God tells us in respect to the gospel.  We can spell out the puzzle of how a holy God was able to save sinful people, how the Just can justify the ungodly. We can spell out the wonder of a sinless Substitute. We can spell out how the love and justice of God dovetailed at the cross. We can spell out how the grave was not able to hold Jesus and that He was raised in victory.

    But until we say it as a profession of personal faith from the heart, the prize of eternal life is not ours. The apostle writes: “if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Rom. 10:9).

    The Wheel of Fortune contestant lost over $1,000,000 by not bringing the solution home. Those who fail to profess saving faith in Jesus Christ lose far more.

    If you would like to know how God solved the greatest puzzle of all, I encourage you to read a little booklet I’ve written.  But, remember, knowing the solution is different from professing personal faith in this God-orchestrated salvation.


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