God’s House of Prayer—Extreme Makeover Edition (part 4 of 5) New Covenant House of Prayer Clearly, the temple as a house of prayer continued in force and design in Jesus’ day. The new wrinkle is that Jesus presents Himself as the temple. The epistles of the New Testament develop the concept further, the ultimate […]
Continue Reading... No Comments.A member of my local congregation recently hinted to me that our church does not have enough outreach. His comment was not critical so much as zealous. His heart was for the gospel of the kingdom, the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. As I listened to this church member it became apparent […]
Continue Reading... 1 Comment.God’s House of Prayer—Extreme Makeover Edition (part 3 of 5) House of Prayer in Jesus’ Day The idea of God’s house being a house of prayer announced by Isaiah still applied in Jesus’ day. However, it had been compromised. And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the […]
Continue Reading... No Comments.This past Saturday the men’s group I lead at my church met for its first monthly meeting of the new cycle. This time around we are studying a small book by T. M. Moore entitled, If Men Will Pray. I think this study has the potential to have great impact in the lives of […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on If Men Will Pray—TogetherGod’s House of Prayer—Extreme Makeover Edition (part 2 of 5) House of Prayer in the Old Testament The first explicit mention of the phrase “house of prayer” in the Old Testament is found in Isaiah’s prophecy of salvation to the nations. “These I will bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in […]
Continue Reading... No Comments.There’s an old hymn that has lent comfort to many a saint of the Lord in their pilgrimage in this world. It goes like this: Why should I feel discouraged, why should the shadows come, Why should my heart be lonely, and long for heav’n and home, When Jesus is my portion? My constant […]
Continue Reading... No Comments.God’s House of Prayer—Extreme Makeover Edition (part 1 of 5) “My house will be a house of prayer for the nations.” Those words of God recorded by Isaiah the prophet would be picked up by Jesus in each of the Synoptic Gospels, and alluded to by John in his Gospel account. This identity and […]
Continue Reading... No Comments.Prayer Cells are temporary small groups held for the purpose of discipleship in prayer through instruction and practice. They are intended to establish a biblical foundation for establishing a house of prayer through which a church will exercise the mission given it by God. The Prayer Cell is the basic building block through which […]
Continue Reading... No Comments.The Psalms provide a wonderful resource for our prayer, a divinely-inspired one. In the 150-psalm Psalter God gives us songs for all seasons and prayers for all reasons. The words of Psalm 9 lead us in praise to our God. I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount […]
Continue Reading... No Comments.It is striking to notice the contrast between the prayer typical of most of us and the prayer exemplified in the pages of Scripture. It seems that the mainstay of the prayer diet of the believer involves matters related to self. A main course of petitions, side expressions of thanks, sprinklings of praise, a […]
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